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Tags > prescriptions
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- Administrative
- Biomonitoring
- Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics
Chronic Diseases
Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Cancer Research Citation Search
- 500 Cities & Places
- Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
- Healthy Aging
- Pathway to Practice (P2P) Resource Center
- Maternal & Child Health
- Alcohol-Related Disease Impact
- Youth Risk Behaviors
- Chronic Disease Indicators
- Vision & Eye Health
- Behavioral Risk Factors
- Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity
- Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention
- Oral Health
- Coronavirus and Other Respiratory Viruses
- Disability & Health
- Environmental Health & Toxicology
- Foodborne, Waterborne, and Related Diseases
- Global Health
- Global Health Center
- Health Statistics Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Injury & Violence Show all options for %{facet_category}
- National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
- National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
- National Center for Environmental Health
- National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention
- National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
- National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
- National Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Public Health Infrastructure and Workforce
- National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- Office of Communications
- Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Workplace Equity
- Office of Financial Resources
- Office of Health Equity
- Office of Human Resources
- Office of Laboratory Science and Safety
- Office of Policy, Performance, and Evaluation
- Office of Public Health Data, Surveillance, and Technology
- Office of Readiness and Response
- Office of Safety, Security, and Asset Management
- Office of Science
- Office of Strategic Business Initiatives
- Office of the Chief Information Officer
- Office of the Chief Operating Officer
- Office of the Chief of Staff
- Policy Surveillance
- Public Health Surveillance Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Smoking & Tobacco Use Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Vaccinations Show all options for %{facet_category}
- Web Metrics
- prescriptions
- 10th grade
- 12th grade
- 2023
- 2024
- 2025
- 500 cities
- 8th grade
- accelerated and advance payments
- access-to-health-care
- accidents
- active bacterial core surveillance
- adolescent
- adolescent vaccination
- adolescents
- adult respiratory distress syndrome
- advanced practice providers
- age by sex
- age of mother
- age-adjusted death rate
- aggregate
- aggregate county data
- agricultural fair
- ai
- air quality index
- air quality system
- all serotypes)
- allergy
- allocation
- ambulatory care
- american community survey
- american dental association
- american indian and alaska native
- american indian and alaska native only
- american indian and alaskan native
- american rescue plan
- amphetamine
- analgesics
- and economic security act
- animal contact exhibit
- animal model
- antibodies
- antibody
- antimicrobial resistance
- any exemption
- any tobacco
- appropriation
- appropriations
- archive
- ari
- arthritis
- asd
- asian only
- associate
- astdd
- attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
- autism
- autism prevalence
- autism spectrum disorder
- average cost per pack
- awards
- barriers to treatment
- bars
- basic screening survey
- bcpp
- bed size
- benzodiazepines
- bike
- binge drinking
- birth control
- black non-hispanic
- black only
- botswana
- breastfed
- bronchiolitis
- bronchitis
- bss
- bureau of labor statistics
- by type) a & b
- by type) c
- caa 109: clean air act section 109
- carbapenem-resistant acinetobacter baumannii
- carbapenem-resistant enterobacterales
- cardiac arrest
- cardiac arrhythmia
- caries
- caries experience
- casinos
- census estimates
- census tracts
- central and south american
- cervical cancer screening
- cesarean delivery
- cfa
- chapare virus
- chickenpox
- chikungunya virus
- child vaccination
- chlamydia trachomatis
- chlidren
- cholesterol
- chronic health conditions
- cigarette use
- cigarettes
- circus
- civic-participation
- classification
- clostridioides difficile
- cognitive impairment
- combination hiv prevention
- combined 7 series
- combustibles
- community hospital beds
- community hospitals
- community levels
- community water fluoridation
- copd
- coronavirus aid
- coronavirus preparedness and response supplemental appropriations act
- counseling
- county level
- county or state fair
- county teen birth trends
- county trends on teen births
- covid cases
- covid deaths
- covid-19 bivalent boosters
- covid-19 booster doses
- covid-19 deaths
- covid-19-experiences
- crime-violence
- crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever
- cuban
- current nursing home residents
- daily 24 hour average concentration
- daily maximum 8 hour average concentration
- dashbord
- date of death
- date of delivery
- delayed care
- dengue fever
- dengue hemorrhagic fever
- dental sealants
- dentists
- department of health and human services
- diagnoses
- dialysis
- diet
- divorce
- dollars
- domains of functioning
- drug use
- drug use among students
- dt
- dtp
- ear diseases
- ear infection
- early-childhood
- eastern equine virus disease
- eastern equinevirus disease
- ebola hemorrhagic fever
- ecstacy
- emergency
- emotional or behavioral difficulties
- emotional wellbeing
- employment
- encounter
- ensemble
- environmental
- environmental hazard
- epi curve
- epidemic trend
- exotic animals
- expenditure
- expenditures
- falls
- federal
- federally-qualified-health-center
- fee-for-service plan
- fentanyl
- ferret
- fertility rates
- fetal death data set
- fetal deaths
- fetal mortality
- firearms safety
- fitness
- flu-net
- flunet
- fluoridation
- flusurv-net
- flusurvnet
- food
- food safety culture
- food workers
- food-insecurity
- forecast
- fqhc
- functional limitation
- funds
- gaming
- gastroenteritis
- gats
- genetics
- ghpss
- global
- grants
- gross cigarette tax revenue per state
- group counseling
- gsps
- guanarito hemorrhagic fever
- gyts
- hantavirus
- hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (hps)
- health care delivery
- health care employment
- health care practitioners
- health care practitioners and technical occupations
- health care support occupations
- health care wages
- health communication
- health knowledge
- health service area
- health status and conditions
- health united states
- health-related behaviors
- healthcare associated infections
- healthcare delivery
- healthcare worker
- healthcare workers
- healthcare-associated infection
- hemodialysis
- hepa
- hepatitis a
- hib
- high blood pressure
- high school
- high-school
- higher-education
- hispanic women
- hiv
- hiv disease
- hiv incidence
- hiv testing
- hookah
- hospital admissions
- hospital encounters
- hospital ownership
- hospital referral region
- hospital size
- hospital use
- hospital-based settings
- host site
- hourly observations
- hourly wages
- housing
- housing-stability
- hpv
- hypercholesterolemia
- hypersensitivity
- icd-10-cm
- icu
- illnesses
- immunoassays
- in vivo
- in-hospital death
- incarceration
- individual counseling
- industry
- infant death
- infant mortality rates
- infants
- influenza coverage
- inhalants
- insurance
- interventions
- intimate partner violence
- intubation
- invasive disease (all ages
- invasive pneumococcal disease serotypes
- ipd serotype frequencies
- ipd serotypes
- jamestown canyon virus
- job satisfaction
- junin hemorrhagic fever
- la crosse virus
- language.
- late fetal deaths
- late fetal mortality
- latent class
- leading health indicator
- length of hospital stay
- life satisfaction
- linguistic
- linguistics
- linked birth infant death data set
- linked hud data
- linked hud files
- linked medicaid data
- linked medicare files
- linked usrds esrd files
- live birth
- live birth rate
- llm
- location
- long covid
- loose tobacco
- low birthweight
- low income
- lri
- lyme
- machupo hemorrhagic fever
- major cardiovascular diseases
- male use of health services
- marijuana
- marijuana vaping
- maternal age
- maternal causes
- max
- mdma
- mean hourly wages
- mean serum total cholesterol
- medicaid barriers to treatment
- medical exemption
- medication
- medications
- menacwy
- meningococcal invasive all serogroups
- methods
- methylphenidate
- metropolitan statistical area
- microdata
- middle school
- mmwr table iii
- model
- molly
- money
- monitoring the future
- mortality rates
- mortality united states
- mothers
- motor vehicle
- mrsa
- mssa
- national health interview survey
- national hospital ambulatory medical care survey
- national hospital care survey
- national immunization survey
- national institute on drug abuse
- national-syndromic-surveillance-program
- native hawaiian or pacific islander only
- ncezid
- neonatal
- neonatal deaths
- neonatal mortality
- neoplasms
- neutralization assay
- nicotine vaping
- nlp
- nnyfs
- non-combustibles
- non-hps
- non-medical exemption
- nurse staffing
- nursing assistants
- nursing home residents
- nursing home vaccination
- nursing homes
- nutrition physical activity and weight status
- nyts
- o anxiety
- o3
- obese
- occupational employment and wage statistics
- office visits
- opiate
- opioid overdose
- opioids
- opium
- oshdata
- outpatient departments
- outpatient surgery
- outpatients
- oxygen
- ozone - residual
- ozone residual
- page views
- paho
- pandemic
- paradata
- paratyphoid fever
- parkinson disease
- particle pollution
- particulate matter - pm2.5
- particulate matter < 2.5 um
- pathogenesis
- paycheck protection program and health care enhancement act
- pcv
- pepfar
- percent distribution
- percent icu
- percent in-hospital death
- percent mechanically ventilated
- perinatal deaths
- perinatal mortality
- perinatal virus infection
- petting zoo
- phap
- physical violence
- pipe
- pipe tobacco
- pm fine 0-2.5 um stp
- pm2.5 - local conditions
- pneumonitis due to solids and liquids
- polio virus infection
- post-acute care
- post-covid
- postneonatal deaths
- postneonatal mortality
- poverty-income
- ppe-shortage
- prams
- pregnancy & vaccinations
- pregnancy complications
- pregnancy rate
- pregnant women
- preterm birth
- prevalence studies
- primary diagnosis
- private coverage
- products
- program
- psychostimulants
- public coverage
- public use files
- puerto rican
- qit
- race and ethnicity
- racism
- randomized control trial
- recommendation
- recommended level
- regulatory resources
- relief
- religion
- resident health status
- resources
- respiratory arrest
- respiratory failure
- respiratory syncytial
- respiratory tract diseases
- respiratory-syncytial-virus
- restaurants
- risk assessment
- roll-your-own tobacco
- rotavirus
- rt
- rural
- sabia-associated hemorrhagic fever
- salmonellosis (excluding typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever)
- school exemption
- school personnel
- school vaccination
- schools
- screenings
- sdoh-higher-eduaction
- sdoh-occupation-type
- sdoh-wages
- sdoh-work-place
- semantic
- semantics
- sequencing
- serological tests
- sex education
- sexual identity
- sexual violence
- shingles
- sickle cell disease
- site monitoring data
- skin
- smoking status
- social determinants of health (sdoh)
- social isolation and loneliness
- social participation
- social vulnerability index
- social-emotional
- sociodemographic data
- soda
- solar radiation
- source-of-health-care
- spending
- spn serotypes
- stalking
- staphylococcus aureus
- state and community
- state level
- state teen birth trends
- streptococcal toxic s hock syndrome
- streptococcal toxic s shock syndrome
- streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes
- substance use among students
- sunlight
- survey questions
- syndication
- teen vaccination
- test
- tobacco consumption
- tobacco products
- tobacco settlement payments
- tooth decay
- total cholesterol
- total solar irradiance
- tracking
- tracking network
- tracking program
- traffic
- tramadol
- transport accidents
- transportation
- turnover
- tv
- typhoid fever (caused by salmonella typhi)
- u.s. and state trends on teen births
- ultraviolet
- unaccompanied children
- unintentional injury
- united-states
- unmet need
- untreated tooth decay
- urban
- us department of labor
- use-of-health-care
- user
- vaccination-coverage
- vaping
- variant proportion
- variant surveillance
- vegetable
- ventilator use
- visit data
- vital statistics rapid release
- walk
- walking
- waterborne
- web pages
- week
- white non-hispanic
- white only
- wic-pc
- work
- workplace
- youth risk behavior risk surveillance school-based surveillance
- youth tobacco sales
- yrbss
- zoo
- zoonotic disease
- zoster
- • asthma
- (age <5 years)
- accidental falls
- activities of daily living
- acute)
- adenovirus
- age <5
- age-adjusted rates
- age-adjusted rates by race and ethnicity
- age<5
- alcohol
- all serotypes
- american hospital association
- assisted living facilities
- body mass index
- body weight
- boundaries
- bridged race
- by type) a
- by type) b
- california serogroup virus disease
- cause of injury
- census region
- chronic liver disease
- cigar
- cigarette sales
- cirrhosis
- cohabitation
- comprehensive medicaid coverage
- comprehensive medicaid coverage of cessation treatment
- corpora
- corpus
- covid-19 breakthrough
- covid-19 cases
- crimean-congo
- cultural-health-beliefs
- current
- data science
- date of birth
- dementia
- disasters
- discharge
- disease burden
- drug
- dtap
- e-cigarette use
- early release
- ebola
- ecigarette
- eid
- electronic health information
- emergency-department
- encephalitis
- enterobacter spp.
- enterovirus
- escherichia coli
- evd-68
- federal hospitals
- fetal death
- food security
- former smoker
- functional limitation status
- gathering bans
- guanarito
- haemophilus influenza
- harvest-cdc-journals
- health behaviors
- health disparities
- health-practices
- healthcare personnel
- heart failure
- hepatitis c (viral
- hepb
- high cholesterol
- hps
- human coronaviruses
- human metapneumovirus
- hypertension
- infant deaths
- infectious disease
- informatics
- inpatient department
- invasive
- invasive disease (age <5 yrs)
- invasive pneumococcal diseases
- ischemic heart disease
- junin
- key health indicators
- klebsiella spp.
- language
- law
- leading causes of death
- linked medicaid files
- linked medicare data
- linked mortality files
- linked va files
- machine learning
- machupo
- marital status
- marriage
- measles imported
- measles indigenous
- medically attended illness
- medically uninsured
- medication therapy
- meningococcal disease (neisseria meningitidis)
- metropolitan and nonmetropolitan
- ml
- mmsa
- modeling
- morphology
- motor vehicle accidents
- multiple race
- national vital statistics system
- native hawaiian or pacific islander
- ncstltphiw
- neuroinvasive and non-neuroinvasive
- neuroinvasive and nonneuroinvasive
- non-hispanic
- non-hispanic black
- non-smoker
- nowcasting
- nrevss
- nursing home staff
- opioid use
- other (wound and unspecified)
- outbreak
- parainfluenza virus
- pcd
- pediatric
- per capita
- pharmacy vaccinations
- phic
- physician medical office vaccinations
- physicians' offices
- polio
- predictions
- preferred-languages
- providers
- public health law program
- q fever acute
- q fever chronic
- race and hispanic origin of mother
- region
- renal failure
- residential care facilities
- residential care facility residents
- residential care facility staff
- restaurant grading
- restricted
- rhinovirus
- rsv-net
- rsvnet
- rural population
- sabia-associated
- sae
- sam
- service utilization
- shapefile
- short-stay-hospitals
- single race
- skin cancer
- smokefree campus
- smoker
- smoking
- spotted fever rickettsiosis confirmed
- spotted fever rickettsiosis probable
- students
- syphilis congenital (age <1 yr)
- t-msis
- tax burden on tobacco
- text analysis
- total recommended program costs
- travelers
- uninsured
- unknown serogroups
- urban population
- urbanicity
- vaccination locations
- vaccination sites
- vaccinefinder
- vaccines
- vegetables
- veterans
- vibriosis confirmed
- vibriosis probable
- viral detections
- virus
- wastewater
- web metrics
- western equine virus disease
- wounds and injuries
- youth
- ...
- 122 cities
- adult day services centers
- age <5 years serotype b
- age-adjusted
- age<5 years
- all ages all serotypes
- americas
- birth
- black
- brain injury
- case
- cause of death
- cdc.gov
- chikungunya
- child and adolescent
- cigarette
- circulatory disease
- cocaine
- current smokers
- dentist
- dhds
- dhis
- discrimination
- dqs
- ehrlichiosis/anaplasmosis
- emergency department visits
- emergency departments
- emergency preparedness
- emergency service
- excess deaths
- factor
- fertility rate
- food safety
- fruit
- funding
- gender identity
- haemophilus influenzae invasive
- hansen disease
- head trauma
- health care coverage
- health center
- health center component
- health center encounter
- health system
- healthcare